Automated, AI-based, digital onboarding solution for new investments
Represent your funds along with your competitors as iQ widgets
Standardised representation of strategy data and portfolio managers’ profile for investors and distributors
Generate and disseminate fund-level factsheets, marketing collaterals, etc.
Insights about clients, business, and analysis about fees & performance
Unified interface for customer information, history, documents & transactions
Understanding the funds’ performance with in-depth fund level data, and portfolio manager’s investment philosophy
Compare funds' performance and other characteristics
Downloadable, monthly factsheet for every strategy on the platform
Stay up-to-date on the current market trends and the latest developments with articles, reports and blogs on the Capital Markets in India
Single click empanelment and transactions of all alternate investments
Comprehensive & completely paperless onboarding of your investors
Compliance audit and history for ease of use
Fully-integrated and centralised solution that works with your AMCs
Fully compliant from regulatory and legal perspective
Customisable rules & workflow engines