January 12, 2021

How we offer tailor made Factsheet solution for AMCs

Platform updates

For every Asset Management Company (AMC), the primary intention behind generating factsheets is to give a gist of the Fund/Strategy’s performance to Investors, Potential clients and distributors. In Portfolio Management Services, as much as Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) take care of the fund allocation in different PMS Strategies, it is important for investors to know if and where their money is working its magic.   The needs for Factsheet generation arose based on the difficulties faced by the Investors when it came to keeping a tab on all the numbers and minor details of their Investments. In a broad sense, a Factsheet is a consolidation of all the details with regards to a PMS Strategies’ performance that an investor should  be aware of on a periodic basis.  When it comes to factsheets, each AMC has its own style and way of presenting. While some AMCs publish it monthly, others limit it to a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. The style of the factsheets also varies from a simple one-pager to a comprehensive factsheet running along with several pages.  At Fintuple, we wanted to introduce a standard to this system and hence the Fintuple Standardized factsheets were created. These factsheets are generated and made available for all PMS strategies across all AMCs on our platform as a single- Page document with key details that are relevant to the stakeholders involved, in an easy to understand, interactive format. This innovation not only helped financial advisors and distributors using our platform to compare the various Strategies at a glance, but also provided the AMCs that didn’t have enough manpower to publish factsheets on a monthly basis, with the opportunity to do so. Thus, enabling investors to easily keep a tab on the Strategies they have invested in.  Over time, we came across a few fast-growing AMCs which were ready to adopt the latest technology innovations to redefine how customers interact with them. In the process, they are looking to go digital which makes the process more efficient, brings automation, reduces errors and better resource utilization to send out their monthly factsheets. One of our growing partner AMCs, Emkay Investment Managers, acquired a large audience over time and the manual process of generating factsheets monthly, felt like an arduous task. When presented with the idea of automating this process, Emkay Capital jumped on this opportunity to enhance their investors experience with innovative experience and increase their internal efficiencies by accessing various analytics around the same.  

  What does opting for Fintuple’s Customized Factsheet Solution entail?  

Fintuple’s Customized Factsheets are a white-labelled solution that can be used to effortlessly customize, create, and distribute factsheets, and keep track of all the users with its built-in Analytics.   The entire idea behind creating this solution was to make the AMC’s life easier by automating the whole process of factsheet generation while also giving them the option of customizing it to suit their various requirements.  Along with data and interactive charts about the Strategy’s performance & holdings, this platform also offers features like including the Portfolio Manager’s commentary, embedding videos, podcasts, and other related articles published in various journals or web. All this is represented in the most user-friendly and interactive way possible to give clients all the essential information, with just as much as a glance. Not only is the investor informed about the performance of the Strategy, but also understands the reason behind its performance with the help of the Portfolio Manager’s insights and related articles. The investors get an opportunity to interact with their Portfolio Managers on Social Media as their Social Media accounts get be tagged and accessed directly through the factsheet.

Factsheet Generation Process
Let us take look behind the scenes of what it takes for an AMC to send out a factsheet
  • The design and features to be included in every factsheet are predetermined between the AMC and Fintuple. 
  • The AMC uploads the details about the Strategy’s portfolio along with the videos, podcasts, and other relevant articles in a dashboard. 
  • Within a few minutes, the system automatically calculates the key analytics such as sectoral, market cap allocation, NAV growth, Top holdings, and other details. 
  • A preview of the factsheet is generated for the AMC’s review/edits and final approval.  
  • Once approved, the factsheet can be sent to the AMC’s distribution list (preloaded in the solution) with the click of a button. 

In this solution, every AMC has access to a module where they can create, distribute, and keep track of all the factsheets sent out along with user analytics. The analytics keeps track of the number of users that have received the factsheet, and the number of users that have clicked on the open button. Much to an individual user level which allows AMCs to not only understand their audience better but also analyze areas that get more traction and revise the information in future factsheets to make them more relevant.  As the world is adopting a more digital and automated persona, Fintuple’s customized factsheet solution ensures that AMCs have a smoother experience while generating and distributing factsheets, as well as providing investors with information that is simple and easy to understand.   To make this entire process more efficient, Fintuple is constantly interacting with their Partner AMCs to better understand their pain points and adding new features to the platform accordingly. Fintuple’s primary objective is to serve as a backbone of technology, strategy data and automation to assist AMCs and wealth institutions transition into this digital age.    To know more about how Fintuple’s Factsheets Solution can simplify and optimize your efforts, contact us at +91 93444 76746 | info@fintuple.com | www.fintuple.com
